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Finding the Courage to Write

Image Source: Brainloc
Writing is one of the best ways to make money at home. There is a constant demand for good web content and the demand is expected to rise this year, so writers will never run out of jobs.

However, I have a confession to make: I sometimes find myself too scared to write! Several weeks ago, I applied for a writing job on a website that pays premium rates to its writers. I found myself paralyzed with fear. I couldn't write a single word. Then, I found out that they only hire writers who live in the UK, so the joke's on me!

I've been a professional writer for more than two years. I have gotten glowing feedback from my clients in UK, the US, and Australia. So why the heck did I get scared?

The Truth About Writers

I just found out that it is normal for writers to get scared sometimes. Even pros get the jitters. This isn't just true for writers. Judy Garland was a child actress. My grandfather adored her. She was the legendary star of the Wizard of Oz. Yet, her stage fright was also legendary! She had to battle with stage fright throughout her career.

We writers are a scared lot, but we are also a courageous group of people! Every writing assignment presents an opportunity to be courageous because a writer faces the risk of  having his or her work criticized and rejected. We may lose our clients if they don't like our work. However, because we write for a living, we do what we have to do no matter how scared we are. Nobody could have defined courage better than one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain: "Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite of it."

Is Rejection Really that Bad?

Writers who can take rejections and criticisms in stride are destined for greatness. William Golding, Jack London, and J.K. Rowling are no strangers to rejection. In fact, there is a blog called "One Hundred Famous Rejections" dedicated to great writers who had to suffer the blows of rejection before soaring to great literary heights.

Rejections should not be taken personally. A professional writer, whose name escapes my memory, once said, "Sometimes, your work gets rejected because the editor is in a foul mood." She went on to say that sometimes a writer's work gets rejected, not because his or her work is necessarily bad, but because it simply does not fit the criteria that publishing companies impose.

Rejection may also mean that you are not good enough yet. (Read: yet.) There is room for you to improve. I've had my share of rejections. I submitted my articles to Constant Content. I didn't just get rejected. My articles were harshly criticized by the editors. They dinged me for awkward wording and for being wordy among other things.

Here's an excerpt from one of the rejection emails that I received from Constant Content:

"This article contains spelling errors or typos. Spell checking programs do not find all spelling errors and typos in a document, so it is important that you review your article carefully for errors.
Article exhibits problems with awkward wording. Awkward wording can include awkward word order, unclear/wordy phrasing, and phrasing that does not sound natural to a native English speaker's ear. Please try to make your point in a concise, grammatically correct manner.
This article is wordy to the point that there are a few paragraphs that could probably be removed. Be careful to say things as clearly and concisely as possible. "

(This is the gentlest criticism I've ever received. I deleted the harsh ones.)

I must admit that my heart bled a little every time my work got rejected, but I have learned a lot from my rejections. I wouldn't have known where I needed to improve as far as writing is concerned. (And oh, my articles don't get rejected anymore!)

Dealing with Fear of Rejection

Fear is an emotion that is meant to protect us from danger. In my case, my fear was protecting me from the danger of rejection. To some extent, fear is a healthy emotion. Writers who have a healthy degree of fear mind their grammar, spelling, and punctuation to avoid being rejected. Fear becomes unhealthy when it paralyzes, when it protects you from something by making you do nothing. So how do you, as a writer, overcome the fear of writing?

First, talk to your fear. Ask it what it tries to protect you from. Writers don't just suffer from the fear of rejection. They may also suffer from the fear of not being good enough and, believe it or not, the fear of success. They fear that success may be too much for them to handle. When it tells you what it wants to protect you from, you can now take measures to prevent the worst case scenario from happening.

Then, imagine the worst case scenario. If your work gets rejected, would it hurt so bad that the pain could kill you? Would your life go to the dogs? Would your writing career be over before it starts?

Don't I sound silly? Yes, because the worst case scenarios that I just described are preposterous.You won't die when your work gets rejected. It won't hurt that much. Your life won't be over. When you get rejected, you will join the company of illustrious writers who have quite a number of rejections chalked up to their names.

If you think that the worst that can happen is that you will get a note saying ,"Your work is crappy," try to vividly imagine the scenario now. If it happens, it won't be as bad because you have already experienced it in your mind. Remember, worst case scenarios often do not happen.

Dealing with the Fear of Inadequacy

The fear of inadequacy is closely related to the fear of rejection. We fear rejection because we're afraid to see ourselves as inadequate. The fear of inadequacy is actually a fear of the unknown. You don't really know whether you're good enough or not. To deal with the fear of inadequacy, you first need an honest assessment of your writing ability. However, you will never find out how good you are until you put your work out there. I wouldn't have gotten honest opinions from the editors at Constant Content if I hadn't submitted my articles there.

If you are not good enough, it's okay because that doesn't mean you can never be good enough in the future. You can always work toward improving your craft. What separates great writers from good writers is that great writers are willing to be bad writers. Then, they keep honing their writing skills to perfection, learning from every mistake that they make.

Building your competence as a writer is another antidote to the fear of inadequacy. Invest in a good mentorship program or a writing course. This investment will go a long way in building your self confidence as a writer.

Some questions for you:

  • For experienced writers: Have you been rejected by a potential client or a publisher? If so, how did you deal with it?
  • For newbie writers: What are your fears?

Share your thoughts below!

P.S. I have another e-book to share with my subscribers. I got this a year ago and it has changed the way I see writing. Writing can be fun and it doesn't have to hard. This e-book is being sold in an Internet marketing forum, but I have the right to give it away. If you haven't subscribed yet, enter your name and email address in my opt-in form above. You'll get goodies and updates just for signing up.

Skill Spotlight: Typing

Typing is one of the most valuable skills that you can have as a freelancer.Whether you're a writer, a transcriber, a social media manager, or even a programmer, you need to be able to type fast if you want to be productive. As you know, the more productive you are, the more you will earn.

You should aim for a typing speed of at least 60 words per minute. I took a typing test this morning. This is how I fared:

On a good day, my typing speed can go up as high as 72 wpm. It's hard to believe that my typing speed was once 35 wpm. When I was in college, I took a typing class. My final grade was 2.75. (My teacher was too kind to give me a grade of 3.0.) It's not surprising because I used the Biblical typing method: Seek and you shall find.

If your typing speed is as low as mine was during my college days, do not despair. I'm a living proof that, with constant practice, anybody can improve his or her typing speed considerably. I learned touch-typing when I was a call center agent. The customers whom I spoke with would often get impatient with me because I couldn't give them the information they needed. I typed too slowly. Not only that, my AHT (average handling time) was high because I often made my customers wait. To a call center agent, a high AHT is a negative. I knew I had to do something.

I'm thankful that I discovered I used the free typing tutor on the website. A lot has changed on the site since the last time I went there, but I think the typing tutor is even better now. By the way, the typing tutor requires you to paste some text in a text box and then you would have to type the text. When I learned touch-typing while I was working in a call center. What I did was I copied and pasted the text from the emails that I needed to read, and I did this in between calls. I read emails from my superiors and customers as I typed them. You can always find time to practice. You just have to be creative.

If the typing tutor at isn't for you, you can look for a typing tutor that better suits you. Here's a list of online typing tutors that you can either use online or download for offline use.

Companies that Offer Transcription Jobs

As promised, I am posting a list of companies that offer transcription jobs.  This is a growing list so be sure to check back once in a while. This post is labeled as "transcription companies" so you can easily find it later. Please note that some of these companies do not accept applicants outside the U.S.

**WARNING** Do your due diligence.  I don't have enough information about these companies, so please check their background.  I will not be held liable for any loss of income or fraud arising from any transaction with any of these companies. Remember the rule I always go by -- never pay to get hired!

Entry Level 

AccuTran Global

Tigerfish- Entry Level company. US citizen or legal residents only.

Verbal Ink

Transcription Companies That Require Some Experience

Adept Word Management, Inc. (Send an e-mail to

Alice Darling Secretarial Services – General/recorded statement transcription, audio and video.

Babbletype (Send an email to

Cambridge Transcriptions

Capital Typing

Daily Transcripts (Send an e-mail to

Moneymaking Idea: Offer Transcription Services

Photo Credit:
This is the first moneymaking idea that I want to share because this is what I do for a living right now. Okay, I'm going to cut to the chase and give you some useful information about the job:

What is Transcription?  

Simply put, transcription is converting spoken words into written documents. There are different areas of specialization with regard to transcription.  Medical transcriptionists transcribe dictated reports made by doctors. Legal transcriptionists transcribe dictations by lawyers and other legal professionals.  Business transcriptionists usually transcribe the recorded conversations that take place during business meetings and teleconferences.

How Does It Work? 

You will be asked to download an audio file from a website. Then, using a transcription software, you will listen to the audio and type what you hear in a word processor such as Microsoft Word.  Then, you will upload the word document file that contains the transcript to your client's website or send it via email.

How Do You Get Paid?

You will either get paid per word, per audio minute or per byte depending on the arrangement you have made with your client (I get paid by the byte).

Skills You Need for the Job

1) GOOD LANGUAGE SKILLS -- This includes a good grasp of English grammar, the ability to listen and perceive nuances of pronunciation, and basic knowledge of the rules of punctuation and style.

2) BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS -- You don't have to be a computer maven to be a transcriptionist. A basic proficiency in MS Word, Excel and Internet research will do. You will also need to learn how to use a USB foot pedal, which is really stupidly easy.

3) GOOD TYPING SKILLS -- Speed and accuracy in typing is essential if want to be a productive transcriptionist. Simply put, the faster you type, the more transcripts you produce in a day and the more you produce, the more you earn.

4) SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE -- Transcription requires the ability to understand what is being said through context clues. In other words, a transcriptionist needs to know what is being talked about in order to correctly transcribe what is being said by the speaker. For instance, a medical transcriptionist has to be familiar with medical terms and drugs' generic names and brands and has to study the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology in order to be able to transcribe doctors' reports accurately. Legal transcriptionists have to be familiar with the legal terms, especially the Latin ones. Even media transcriptionists like me have to be familiar with the names (especially the pronunciation and spelling) of TV personalities like George Stephanopoulos, Lola Ogunnaike and Zbigniew Brzezinski. (Zbigniew? Whew!)

If you want to be a transcriptionist, you need to determine in what area or field of transcription you are well-suited for. Some graduates and students of medicine and nursing get into medical transcription. Law students and graduates may work as legal transcriptionists. Wide readers and erstwhile couch potatoes like me are well-suited for media transcription. You may take up special courses like I did. I studied medical transcription for six months.

Equipments/ Software You Need

1) A GOOD WORD PROCESSING SOFTWARE -- I use MS Word, but alternatively, you can use Writer, a free word processor from Open Office. It's free and it's compatible with MS Word. To download the Open Office suite, click here.

2) A TRANSCRIPTION SOFTWARE -- A transcription software is a program that plays back sound files. The best transcription software I have ever used so far is Express Scribe. Other transcription softwares make the speaker sound like Darth Vader when you slow down the speed. Not Express Scribe -- you can adjust the speed without affecting the pitch of the speaker's voice. The latest version of Express Scribe now allows you to transcribe video files.  And did I mention that it's free? To download Express Scribe, click here.

Beware: Some transcription "firms" promise to train you for free and guarantee you a job, but they will actually charge you an astronomical price for the transcription software (like $600). I almost got duped; fortunately, my uncle didn't lend me money for the software. Why pay when you can get one for free?

3) A HEADSET -- Actually, a pair of good earphones or headphones will do. Sometimes, I use my MP3 player's earphones.

4) A FOOT PEDAL -- You can actually do without this one -- if you're just practicing. Anything that the foot pedal can do, the mouse can also do. Express Scribe allows the use of "Hot Keys" -- F keys that have the same function as a foot pedal. However, if you would like to be a productive transcriptionist, earn more and concentrate better on what you're transcribing, then you should get one.

 As I have mentioned in my "About" page, I have been a broadcast media transcriber for about five years and I have been earning enough to support myself and my family.  Sometimes, I have some extra money to buy things for myself. With a fraction of my earnings as a transcriptionist, I've been able to buy a laptop and a desktop computer.

Transcription requires some basic skills that may be acquired through constant practice. The knowledge part is easy; I studied medical transcription for only six months. Well, I don't even use what I have studied because I transcribe news reports instead of doctors' reports. The investment is minimal and may be recouped within months. This could be a lucrative job depending on one's level of skill and productivity. It could be rewarding and it is certainly worth-trying.

Next, I will post a list of companies that hire transcriptionists. Stay tuned!

How to Set Up a PayPal Account: A Tutorial

If you want to make money online, a PayPal account is definitely one of the things you should have.  Many of the moneymaking ideas that I will present in this blog will require a PayPal account. Before you go any further, make sure that you have a valid email address and your bank account details ready.  PayPal needs your bank account details so it can transfer your PayPal funds to your bank account.

If you have any questions or comments, please write them in the comments section below.

There will be more tutorials in this blog in the near future, so stay tuned!

PayPal Philippines Bank Codes

This is a complete list of PayPal Philippines Bank Codes.  You will need this to add a bank account to your PayPal account.  For a tutorial on how to set up a PayPal account, watch this tutorial.

Bank Name Bank Code
BANGKOK BANK 010670019
BANK OF CHINA 011140014
BANK OF TOKYO 010460012
CITIBANK N.A. 010070017
EAST WEST BANK 010620014
FUJI BANK 010640010

 Source: Pinoy Money Talk

Goal Setting: The First Step Toward Success

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Undoubtedly, you have dreams. Dreams are visions of the things that you want to happen. However, dreams have to become goals if you want them to come true.  You can't just dream your life away.

Someone once said, "Goals are dreams with deadlines."  Goals are more than visions. They represent the results that you want to achieve. They imply action. You need to do specific things to fulfill them.

Why are goals important? Without clear, specific goals, you will wander aimlessly through life and you will achieve nothing. Common sense will tell you that before you can focus, you need a point of focus and that's exactly what a goal is -- a point of focus. Goals tell you where to focus your attention and give direction to your efforts. Like a powerful laser beam that cuts through the hardest of substances, persistent and focused effort will cut through the most difficult obstacles.

You might be familiar with the acronym SMART that applies to goal-setting.  I learned about it in one of the leadership trainings I attended in high school.  To refresh your memory, here's the acronym and what every letter stands for:

S - Specific.  A goal must be definite.  It must be defined in as much detail as possible. You can't hit your target if your vision is too blurry. In the same way, you can't achieve any goal if you do not know exactly what you want.

M - Measurable. They must be capable of being measured so you can monitor your progress and see if you have finally achieved your goal.

A - Achievable. A goal is achievable if you can do the specific actions required attain it. For instance, if you want to make money online, you can achieve this by applying for an online job or selling products on the Internet. If you want to win the next season of American Idol, that goal is not achievable unless you are in the United States and are able to audition.

R - Realistic.  A goal is realistic if you have the ability and the resources to achieve it at the time you want it to be fulfilled.  For instance, if you want to earn a million dollars online in one week, that goal is far from being realistic.  If you give yourself time to earn that kind of money, say five to ten years, that could be realistic. You also have to see if you have what it takes to make it happen.  You need the right skills and the right mindset.  If you don't have these, you can always read and/or attend trainings to learn.

T - Time-bound.  Without a deadline, a goal may never be achieved. Why? People tend to procrastinate. Some people  keep putting things off forever, and as a result, they don't achieve anything. Again, dreams are goals with deadlines. Deadlines help you focus on your goals because you tend to concentrate when you need to beat the calendar.

So there you have it -- goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Here is my goal:

"To earn at least $25,000 online by ghostwriting, affiliate marketing and selling my own digital products on the Internet by May 31, 2013." 

That goal is specific.  I stated how much I want to earn and how. It is measurable. I will know that I have made it when I have already earned a total of $25,000.  It is achievable -- I have been ghostwriting for more than a year now. I'm learning the ropes of affiliate marketing and creating my own digital products.  It is realistic.  In fact, those who live in the U.S. might think that $25,000 is too low a target.  In my country, if you had that kind of money, you would be a millionaire! $25,000 is equal to PhP 1,000,000 (Philippine peso -- my country's currency).  My goal is time-bound. My deadline is on May 31, 2013.

It is not enough to know what your goals are.  The "why" is just as important as the "what."  The "what" clarifies what you want to achieve, but the "why" gives you the motivation to go for it.  Goals have to be charged with emotion. Emotions are powerful.  They give you the power to achieve your loftiest goals.

Let me tell you why I want to earn at least $25,000 for the next 12 months. Life has not been easy for my family and me. My Mom is 62 years old and she is not in the pink of health. The last time she was hospitalized, we had to sell the only parcel of land that she owned so we could pay her hospital bills. I do not want that to happen ever again.

Also, I know that when I have achieved that goal, I will have the confidence to move on to bigger goals. I must confess that I'm a fraidy cat.  I get the jitters whenever I have big ghostwriting projects. I know that I will become a lot braver with every goal I achieve.

I now have a goal to target. What's yours?